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The Theories

The Conspiracy of Adolf Hitler's Death.

There were several conspiracy theories as to how this dictator died, but the three big theories are: 

1. He was frozen with cryogenic technology

2. His body is held by the Nazi party in a secret bunker

3. He committed suicide.

Let's uncover the truth with the most plausible reality. That Hitler committed suicide.



Two less-likely theories are that Hitler’s body was held in a secret bunker or was frozen. Both conspiracies go hand in hand; “The polar regions are a particularly good spot for a conspiracy theory. Until recently, the people that went there had a habit of not coming back” (Whitfield, Paragraph 14). These theories sparred from another theory that Hitler ran to a Nazi base in the Antarctic using a U-boat. What made these theories so hard to debunk and get the facts and stories straight is that there were various conspiracists that don’t have a straight story, leading to confusion about these theories; “Like all good conspiracy theories, this one is built on a skeleton of facts. There was a German expedition to Antarctica in 1938-39. There was classified British military activity in Antarctica during the war. In July 1945, two months after VE day, the German submarine U-530 appeared at the Argentine naval base of Mar del plata” (Whitfield). The facts supported that the Germans visit to Antarctica was, “concerned mainly with establishing a whaling base, was fleeting, never spending more than a day on the ice shelf” (Whitfield). Additional facts debunked the theories, including, “The wartime British force in Antarctica was tiny, and concerned mainly with observation and securing territorial claims to islands around the Falklands” (Whitfield). All in all, these two conspiracy theories that Hitler was hidden or frozen were debunked as facts surfaced about what really happened in Antarctica. Therefore, neither theory are practical.



The most well-known and plausible theory is that Hitler committed suicide. This is one of several lingering conspiracy theories that eventually put all other theories to rest; “Lingering conspiracy theories surrounding Adolf Hitler’s death may have been put to rest, with French scientists saying they have conclusively proved he died in 1945” (ABC News). There was an analysis done on Hitler’s teeth to prove how he died. This analysis had shown several signs of suicide such as, “bluish deposits on his false teeth, an indication of the chemical reaction between cyanide and the metal of his dentures” (ABC News). These results led historians to believe, “Hitler took his own life as Russian forces closed in during the final stages of the battle for Berlin” (ABC News). This evidence confirms the conspiracy theory of Hitler’s suicide is the most viable and the true conspiracy of his mysterious death.



After examining each conspiracy theory of how Hitler had died it narrowed down to three main theories:

  • He was frozen with cryo technology

  • His body is held by the Nazi Party in a secret bunker

  • He committed suicide

But after evaluating these theories, it was determined the plausible theory is Hitler committed suicide. The theory of suicide is plausible because of the evidence and facts stated behind the theory.




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